Update Outdated Contact Information in a Submission

Update Outdated Contact Information in a Submission

The “Serverfield” type, has the ability to fetch profile information from the user’s Impexium Profile, and these can be automatically populated in a submission.

However, when a submitter updated any contact information on their Impexium Profile, these changes are not updated and applied to existing submissions. You can then manually update the submission with the most up-to-date information from Impexium. 

When updating a single submission, you can follow these steps: 

  1. In the Submissions tab, locate the submission in question and click View
  2. On the Actions section, click Revise/Editmceclip1.png

     3. Locate the contact information section and click “Re-Fetch” to the field you would like to update.


If you would like to update all existing submission's server fields; you can follow these steps: 

  1. Within the Call in question, click the “Settings” tab.
  2. Locate the “Refetch Serverfields for all submissions” section and click “Re-fetch”.


Note, clicking this button re-fetches all serverfields of all submissions in this call, and updates them to their new value. This change can't be undone.