Additional Form
This option will allow you to add another form within this field, where the submitter will be required to enter an email address of a recipient for the system to send a message with instructions to fill in the form.
Common usage of this form is for reference requests. It is not required for the recipient to be logged in to fill out the form and respond.
- Name the section by typing in the text field
- Select ADD FIELD
- Select View all field Types
- From the Select Field page scroll down and select Additional Form
- Title the form
Select additional options of Optional | Hide from reviewer | Hide in blind review
Type instructions for the submitter
- Select Additional information about recipient recommended
- Select Can submitter see form response?
- Optional - select Email Blind-Copy then type in email address
- Create Recipient Email Template starting with subject line
- Type in Email Content
/*Fill in subject and content of the email to the recipient. Type @ to see a list of available mail-merge placeholders that will be replaced when sending to the recipient.
REQUIRED: Ensure to add the placeholder @Link to recipient form to the body of the recipient email
- Select Create Form for recipient
- Title form then select ADD FIELD
Create Additional Form with desired field types
Select SAVE when finished
Review the form selectEDIT to revise form or X to close
Select SAVE THIS FORM to save
- Select SAVE in the Call Template
From the recipient side, the user will be able to fill in the form with the standard form view: