Release Notes 25/04/2024
- Addressed an issue that would would prevent using swim-lanes with “Floor Plan” field “Location”.
- “Session Book” export now included Floor Map’s “Location”.
- Sub-Session speakers can now edit “Sessions”.
- Sub-session speakers associated sub-sessions are now correctly displayed under user’s profiles.
- Removed “Location” string from Floor Map’s “Location” field.
- Improved session’s sort capabilities.
- Improved performance on “Attendee” listing for Admin to accommodate large pool size of attendees.
- Improved readability of map name
- Improved “Location” flow. Now when tapping location, it will redirect to map and highlight the area in question.
- In Session detail improved tap area of “Location” to be the entire object.
- Addressed an issue that incorrectly redirected the back button when viewing a location.
- Improved session/company card size in location/map display.
- Improved session descriptions text formatting.
- Addressed an issue that would incorrectly display the survey link and session chat when globally disabled.
- “Contact us” can now be disabled.