Import Event Sessions as Claimable Items

Import Event Sessions as Claimable Items

You can import some or all sessions from an event into your Education Program to be used as claimable items. Find the steps below: 

  1. Go to Educations, and click the Claimable Items tab 

  2. Click the ellipsis button to the right, and select Import Sessions

  3. Search by name of the event you are importing from


  1. Select the session/sessions that apply. To easily locate the sessions to use, you can search name or filter them by Categories

  1. Fill in the session mapping, and click Link


Once added, you can Edit the item by including Credits and External ID (Optional). Also, you can unlink the item from the session, keep in mind If you unlink, the current Item will not be affected, but future changes in the Session will not be applied. When unlinked, you can then change the Name, Description, and Date