Session Name Generator

Session Name Generator is a feature that allows the administrator to name their session automatically based on a running number, or different criteria, such as a denominator, fragments of the title, and weekday.

A unique string code will be generated, which can be used to give session codes to Impexium when using the Remote: Export functionality. Impexium session codes are unique through the platform and thus the same code cannot be reused.


You can access this feature by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to Events and click on General.
  2. Locate Session Name Generator. The following options will be visible:
    • Running Number: A running number name will be given to each session.
    • Formular: Use JSON Logic (opens in a new tab) to create a custom unique value. Click the Edit Formular button to open the editor.



Formular Name Generator Sample

"upperCase": [  
"cat": [  
"substr": [{ "var": "title" }, 0, 3]  
"weekDay": [{ "var": "dateBegin" }]  