Configure Events Module Communications
For each Event, you can set up automated notifications for all parties involved to remind them the event starts in a certain amount of days according to their role. You can follow these steps to enable or personalize these notifications:
- From the Home page, select Events from the tile or from the left panel**
- Select the event you want to set up, then under “Settings” click “General”:
- Under the ”Event Communication” section, you’ll have the option to set notifications for speakers, attendees, and exhibitors. Note, that the notifications are automatically enabled and set with the default email template. Find the email samples below:
For Speaker:
For Attendee:
For Exhibitors:
The default notifications are set to be sent 2 days prior to the event date, and cannot be modified. If you want to disable them instead, click the checkbox to remove the blue check:
To customize the email template, select “ADD NEW TEMPLATE”. This needs to be done for each communication type.
In the pop-up window, you can start to edit/personalize the template as desired and click Save once done.
Once saved, the default email title will change to a new email template name with the creator's name.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click SAVE again to complete the changes.