Archive a Performance

Archive a Performance

Although is not possible to remove a performance, it is possible to Archive it. This provides a similar effect as if deleted, with the difference that you can recover it in case of an error.

Archiving a performance will exclude the performance from view, and exclude their score against the rest of the performances, simply click the drop-down to the right side of the performance and select archive.

To archive a performance you can follow these steps:

  1. In the Home page click the Competitions card. mceclip0.png

  2. This will bring you to the Competitions, search for the Competition where the performance is located and click on View: mceclip1.png

  3. Locate the performance you want to archive, click on the dropdown available in the Status column and select Archived: mceclip1.png

This will Archive and hide the performance.

You can recover an archived performance by clicking “Show Archived” button in the top right corner.

